Third Grade Chien Week of 1/24-1/28


3rd week 201/24/20221/25/20221/26/20221/27/20221/28/2022
BibleRead Solomon & the Queen of Sheba (pp. 268-269)Read Elijah A Prophet of Israel (pp. 270-271)Read Elijah & the Priests of Baal (pp. 272-275)Read The Still Small Voice (pp. 276-277)Read Naboth's Vineyard (pp. 278-279)
MathLesson 65; Worksheet #41; Math Facts DrillLesson 66; Speed Drill 66; Worksheet #42Lesson 67; Worksheet #43; Math Facts DrillLesson 68; Speed Drill 68; Worksheet #44Lesson 69; Worksheet #45; Math Facts Drill
WritingWho is John Bunyan? Research and write 2-3 sentences about who the original author of Pilgrim's Progress was, where he lived, and why he wrote the bookWrite difficult vocabulary words & meaning in vocab copybookWhat is an allegory? Who does Little Christian/ Christiana represent? What is the burden on Christian's back? What is the Celestial City? Write 2-3 sentences about what you think these things represent.Write difficult vocabulary words & meaning in vocab copybookCan you write some sentences using "old" English words? Have fun being silly!
Latin/GrammarLesson 5 Latin words 2x in copybookLesson 5 Practice TestLesson 5 Latin words 2x in copybookLesson 5 TEST
SpellingWrite Les. 10 spelling words 2x in copybookLesson 10, pp. 41-42 and spelling words 2x in copybookWrite Les. 10 spelling words 2x in copybookLesson 10, pp. 43-44 and spelling words 2x in copybookWrite Les. 10 spelling words 2x in copybook
CursiveWrite Les. 10 spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybookThe Sanctus in cursiveWrite Les. 10 spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybookWrite Les. 10 spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybook
ReadingRead aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 1-2, pp. 9-14; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Ch. 16Read aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 3-4, pp. 15-19; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Ch. 17Read aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 5-6, pp. 20-25; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)
History/ Geography
Review Continents/Oceans, discuss various countries in each continent (list at least three & find on globe/map), play find the place games
Research John Bunyan, where he was from (find on map), when he lived, what he believedRead sentences written about BunyanWhat was going on during John Bunyan's life, around him and in other parts of the world?Read sentences about allegoriesLook up a portion of the original version of the Pilgrim's Progress and compare it to Little Pilgrim's Progress - What is different? Is the older version hard to understand? They're both English! Discuss how language changes over time/place.
ScienceStudy Deer, Camels & Pigs (Ungulates) using pp. 26-27 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!World of Mammals pp. 26-27; review animal type names and meanings; define UngulatesStudy Deer, Camels & Pigs (Ungulates) using pp. 26-27 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!World of Mammals pp. 26-27; review animal type names and meanings; define UngulatesStudy Deer, Camels & Pigs (Ungulates) using pp. 26-27 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!
Memory WorkContinue memorizing the Sanctus/Trisagion prayer

01/25/22: MDO/Grammar Playdate @ Lions Park
01/27/22: Watch D.O.G.S/Pizza Lunch/Spirit Day!
02/01/22: First Day of Black History Month!
02/01/22: Moms in Prayer (9-10 am)
02/10/22: Spirit Day!
02/14/22: Happy Valentine’s Day!
02/15/22: Moms in Prayer (9-10 am)
02/22/22: Teacher Training Day (No school on campus for students)
02/24/22: Watch D.O.G.S/Pizza Lunch/Spirit Day!

We're currently reading stories from the Children's Bible and discussing. I want students to learn to be comfortable asking questions about the Bible and thinking about the ideas and talking about them. Sometimes we may not know the answers to their questions, but we can model what to do in that situation (look it up, ask someone we trust, be patient with not knowing all the answers but look forward to asking God in person one day!). Use maps to find where the events are taking place.

Have your student complete the math facts sheet of 100 problems (in the old binder or using the ones I sent), seeing how many they can complete in 5 minutes and then finishing the rest after the 5 minutes are up. This is to be done daily.  Math skills are not progressing as they should be.  Students are still using their fingers to count or are counting in their heads.  Addition and Subtraction math facts should be memorized by now, and Multiplication tables up to the 4's should be almost memorized.  We've begun basic division, which I've explained to the students is the friend function of multiplication - just like addition and subtraction work together and are the "reverse" of each other, so are multiplication and division.  I described the way the division problem looks on paper like this:  There is a house and inside the house are all the "marbles" you have to share with someone.  Standing at the door of the house are your friends who would like marbles.  You do a "reverse Santa" (thanks, Braydn for this funny way of describing it!) and put the amount of marbles each friend will get onto the roof.

Lesson 10 works on spelling words with various ways of spelling the "f" sound. The sound of "f" is usually spelled with "f", as in after. It can also be spelled with "ff", as in stiff. Sometimes the "f" sound is spelled with "ph", as in photo and graphs. The "f" sound can also be spelled with "gh", as in cough and laughs.


We have been discussing the difference between 1st, 2nd and 3rd person in grammar (the person speaking, the person spoken to, the person spoken about), as well as Singular and Plural, all in relation to verbs (this is English grammar too - just grammar rules). We also memorized the first noun chart and are looking at the cases and job functions nouns can hold in a sentence. Continue to be on the lookout for derivatives from our Latin vocabulary in reading or in life and point them out. You will make it a regular habit that your student will emulate to notice Latin roots in English words in order to guess what they mean. In case you are wondering, yes, please have your student include the "ae" in the vocabulary copybook assignments - it is part of the form, which we will discuss in class. Here are the case names and the two main functions we're working on in class:

Nominative - Subject (who or what the sentence is about)
Accusative - Direct Object (receives the action of the verb)

culpa culpae - fault
fuga -ae - flight
Hispania -ae - Spain
luna -ae - moon
Maria -ae - Mary
silva -ae - forest
unda - ae - wave
judico - I judge, consider
occupo - I seize
pugno -  fight

Derivatives: culpable, culprit, fugue, fugitive, refugee, Hispanic, lunacy, lunar, lunatic, Pennsylvania, sylvan, Transylvania, inundate, undulating, judicial, occupation, occupy, pugnacious

Memory Work:
We are going to start working on memorizing the "Sanctus" or "Trisagion" (thrice holy) prayer, spoken to God by the angels in Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8, and by the people calling out to Jesus in Matthew 21:9 and Mark 11:9, quoting Psalm 118:26.

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus,
Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria Tua.
Hosanna in Excelsis!
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.

Holy, Holy, Holy,
Lord God of Hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of Your glory.
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

What to bring to school:
-Little Pilgrim's Progress
-The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
-Exploring Arithmetic 3
-Spelling Workout D
-Latina Christiana
-The World of Mammals
-The Golden Children's Bible
-Copybooks (we have four currently)

Workload and Feedback:
If the workload or a particular activity proves too much/too confusing at home, please modify as suits your situation (and let me know so I can keep that in mind!). Please stay in communication with me about any questions you may have, as well as feedback, positive or negative, about how things are going.

Thank you again for your patience and courage and support!

Mrs. Chien