Third Grade Chien Week of 5/2-5/6


3rd week 335/2/20225/3/20225/4/20225/5/20225/6/2022
BibleRead The Ship Runs Aground to They Winter on Malta (p. 501-503)Read Paul's Final Years (pp. 504-505)Read The Letters from Rome to Of Faith Without Wavering (pp. 506-507)Read The Letters of Peter to The Vision of John (pp. 508-510)Look back through the Bible - what were some of your favorite stories?
MathLesson 157; Worksheet #133; Math Facts DrillLesson 158; Speed Drill 158; Worksheet #134Lesson 159; Worksheet #135; Math Facts DrillLesson 160; Speed Drill 160; Worksheet #136Lesson 161; Worksheet #137; Math Facts Drill
WritingWrite difficult vocabulary words from Little Pilgrim & meaning in vocab copybookWrite KWO of Ch. 73-74 from Little Pilgrim's ProgressWrite paragraph version of KWO done in class yesterdayRead paragraphs outloud, edit mistakes, re-write Final DraftDiscuss "dress ups" (adjectives and adverbs) you could add to your paragraph to make it more exciting
Latin/GrammarLesson 11 Latin words 2x in copybookReview charts; Do p. 35; Lesson 11 Latin words 2x in copybookLesson 11 Latin words 2x in copybookReview charts; Do p. 35; Lesson 11 Latin words 2x in copybookLesson 11 Latin words 2x in copybook
SpellingWrite Les. 20 spelling words 2x in copybookLesson 20, pp. 81-82 and spelling words 2x in copybookWrite Les. 20 spelling words 2x in copybookLesson 20, pp. 83-84 and spelling words 2x in copybookWrite Les. 20 spelling words 2x in copybook
CursiveWrite Les. 20 spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybookCursive Latin handoutWrite Les. 20 spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybookWrite Les. 20 spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybook
ReadingRead aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 77-78, pp. 221-224; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)Prince Caspian Ch. 8Read aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 79-80, pp. 225-228; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)Prince Caspian Ch. 9Read aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 81-82, pp. 229-233; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)
History/ Geography
Review Continents/Oceans, play find the place games, find missionaries from as many continents as you can and find on globe/map
Look up and write definition of persecution and martyr in vocab copybook. Can you find examples from the Bible?Read definitions aloud and discuss examples from the Bible.Look up the story of how Mark from the Bible became a missionary to Egypt and discuss how his is an example of persecution and martyrdom.Discuss story of Mark the Evangelist.Look up prayer requests on the Voice of the Martyrs website, find their countries on a map, and spend time praying for modern day Christians facing persecution.
ScienceStudy Asian Monkeys (Primates) using pp. 52-53 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!World of Mammals pp. 52-53; review animal type names and meanings, define PrimatesStudy Asian Monkeys (Primates) using pp. 52-53 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!World of Mammals pp. 52-53; review animal type names and meanings, define PrimatesStudy Asian Monkeys (Primates) using pp. 52-53 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!
Memory WorkMemorize the "Agnus Dei"

05/02/22 – 05/06/22: Art Show
05/05: Spirit Day!
05/06: Last Day of Elective Classes
05/06: Grammar Theater Performance Eve
05/07: Grammar Theater Performance (2:30)
05/10: Moms in Prayer (9-10 am)
05/11: 5th Grade M/W & T/Th Graduation (3:00)
05/11: Last Day of M/W Grammar School
05/12: Last Day of T/Th Grammar School
05/14: Fortis High School Graduation (3:00)
05/15: End of Year Mom’s Celebration (4:00)

We're currently reading stories from the Children's Bible and discussing. I want students to learn to be comfortable asking questions about the Bible and thinking about the ideas and talking about them. Sometimes we may not know the answers to their questions, but we can model what to do in that situation (look it up, ask someone we trust, be patient with not knowing all the answers but look forward to asking God in person one day!). Use maps to find where the events are taking place.

Addition and Subtraction math facts should be memorized by now, and Multiplication tables up to the 9's should be memorized. Have your student complete the math facts sheet of 100 problems (in the old binder or using the ones I sent), seeing how many they can complete in 5 minutes and then finishing the rest after the 5 minutes are up. This is to be done daily. We are reciting the times tables (the 2's, 3's, 4's, etc.) in class aloud. Please add this to the daily routine at home as well. Students can earn candy for being able to recite the multiplication tables from memory to me in class.

Lesson 20 practices spelling words with vowel pairs/digraphs ie and ei.  In vowel pairs, two vowels come together to make one long vowel sound (like pies and seize).  The second vowel is silent.  In vowel digraphs, two vowels come together to make a vowel sound that can be long or short (like brief and sleigh).  Use this rhyme to help spell words with 
iand ei: 

I before E
except after C
or when sounded as A
as in neighbors and weigh.


We're skipping the review lesson and going on to Lesson 11.  Lesson 11 introduces adjectives. We've looked at how nouns in Latin have gender - either Natural Gender (for living persons) or Grammatical Gender (for non living things).  Adjectives don't have one specific gender.  They're more like mirrors, reflecting the characteristics of the noun they modify. The adjective chart just uses the endings from the other charts the students have memorized.  Continue to model looking for and pointing out Latin roots in English words, Latin derivatives (words that come from Latin) with your student. It is fun to discover you can "figure out" hard English words because of Latin vocabulary.

altus -a -um - high/deep
-a -um - good
longus -a -um - long
magnus -a -um - large/great
malus -a -um - bad
multus -a -um - much/many
parvus -a -um - small
plenus -a -um - full
sanctus -a -um - holy/sacred
tutus -a -um - safe

Derivatives: auxiliary, celestial, debit, debt, forum, gaudy, impeccable, peccadillo, premium, vine, vinegar, vineyard

Adjective Chart (Singlular):

Masculine:   Feminine:  Neuter:
bonus           bona           bonum        
boni              bonae         boni
bono             bonae         bono
bonum          bonam        bonum
bono             bona           bono

Let's define some terms.  What is persecution?  What is a martyr?  Can you think of any examples of either term from the Bible?  My son, Mark, is named after the author of one of the Gospels.  We studied missionaries - Mark from the Bible became a missionary to Egypt.  My son, Mark, was born in Egypt, so that's why he's named after the Apostle who shared the Gospel in Egypt!  Look up the story of Mark bringing Christianity to Egypt.  His experiences are an example of persecution and martyrdom.  Can you find others from after the Bible, as Christianity became spread throughout the world? 
Look up the website for Voice of the Martyrs at and look through all of the resources for studying persecution experienced by Christians today in other parts of the world.  Go to and look at the pull down menu on the top left - you can find real prayer requests from Christians around the world!  Pick some, find the country on a world map/globe, and spend some time in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.

In case you are curious, Voice of the Martyrs ( has a lot of resources, some for adults, but a lot for children as well, including the following map of countries that face persecution, a book series and two graphic novels of the early church:

Memory Work:
Continue memorizing the Latin hymn/prayer, "Agnus Dei" (Lamb of God), which is taken from the exclamation of John the Baptist in John 1:29.  

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

English translation:
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

Here is a recording of Agnus Dei:

Here are some links to recordings of "Pie Jesu," a longer prayer/hymn that contains these phrases:
(that last one the singer was performing on America's Got Talent!)

Here's another version. Why does the video part that goes along with the singing look like a war or something bad happened? What does this have to do with the words of the song?

What to bring to school:
-Little Pilgrim's Progress
-Prince Caspian
-Exploring Arithmetic 3
-Spelling Workout D
-Latina Christiana
-The World of Mammals
-The Golden Children's Bible
-Copybooks (we have four currently)

Thank you for your patience and faithfulness!

Mrs. Chien

Third Grade Chien Week of 4/25-4/29


3rd week 324/25/20224/26/20224/27/20224/28/20224/29/2022
BibleRead Paul's Third Journey (pp. 488-491)Read Paul in Jerusalem (pp. 492-494)Read His Enemies Plot Against Him to He is Brought Before Felix (pp. 496-497)Read He Appeals to Caesar to King Agrippa Hears Paul (pp. 498-499)Read Paul's Journey to Rome (p. 500)
MathLesson 152; Worksheet #128; Math Facts DrillLesson 153; Speed Drill 152; Worksheet #129Lesson 154; Worksheet #130; Math Facts DrillLesson 155; Speed Drill 154; Worksheet #131Lesson 156; Worksheet #132; Math Facts Drill
WritingWrite difficult vocabulary words from Little Pilgrim & meaning in vocab copybookWrite KWO of Ch. 69 from Little Pilgrim's ProgressWrite paragraph version of KWO done in class yesterdayRead paragraphs out loud, edit mistakes, re-write Final DraftDiscuss "dress ups" (adjectives and adverbs) you could add to your paragraph to make it more exciting
Latin/GrammarLesson 10 Latin words 2x in copybookReview charts; Do p. 31; Lesson 10 Latin words 2x in copybook; Practice TestLesson 10 Latin words 2x in copybook; study vocab/charts from Practice TestLesson 10 Latin words 1x in copybook; Latin TestLesson all 10 Latin words 2x in copybook
SpellingWrite Les. 19 spelling words 2x in copybookLesson 19, pp. 79-80 and spelling words 2x in copybookWrite Les. 19 spelling words 2x in copybook; give Practice TestWrite Les. 19 spelling words 1x in copybook; Spelling TestWrite missed spelling words 2x in copybook
CursiveWrite Les. 19 spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybookCursive Latin handoutWrite Les. 19 spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybookWrite missed spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybook
ReadingRead aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 71-72, pp. 206-209; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)Prince Caspian Ch. 6Read aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 73-74, pp. 210-215; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)Prince Caspian Ch. 7Read aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 75-76, pp. 216-220; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)
History/ Geography
Review Continents/Oceans, play find the place games, find missionaries from as many continents as you can and find on globe/map
What denomination were the settlers who first came to America from England?Discuss spread of Christianity in America.What denomination is your church? Can you find a statement of faith or beliefs on the church website?Discuss what a statement of faith is and what students learned about their church.Look up some other local churches near you - what denomination are they? Do they have any different beliefs than your church?
ScienceStudy African Monkeys (Primates) using pp. 50-51 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!World of Mammals pp. 50-51; review animal type names and meanings, define PrimatesStudy African Monkeys (Primates) using pp. 50-51 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!World of Mammals pp. 50-51; review animal type names and meanings, define PrimatesStudy African Monkeys (Primates) using pp. 50-51 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!
Memory WorkMemorize the "Agnus Dei"

04/26: Moms in Prayer (9-10am)
04/28: Spirit Day/D.O.G.S/Pizza Lunch
05/02/22 – 05/06/22: Art Show
05/05: Spirit Day!
05/06: Last Day of Elective Classes
05/06: Grammar Theater Performance Eve
05/07: Grammar Theater Performance (2:30)
05/10: Moms in Prayer (9-10 am)
05/11: 5th Grade M/W & T/Th Graduation (3:00)
05/11: Last Day of M/W Grammar School
05/12: Last Day of T/Th Grammar School
05/14: Fortis High School Graduation (3:00)
05/15: End of Year Mom’s Celebration (4:00)

We're currently reading stories from the Children's Bible and discussing. I want students to learn to be comfortable asking questions about the Bible and thinking about the ideas and talking about them. Sometimes we may not know the answers to their questions, but we can model what to do in that situation (look it up, ask someone we trust, be patient with not knowing all the answers but look forward to asking God in person one day!). Use maps to find where the events are taking place.

Addition and Subtraction math facts should be memorized by now, and Multiplication tables up to the 9's should be memorized. Have your student complete the math facts sheet of 100 problems (in the old binder or using the ones I sent), seeing how many they can complete in 5 minutes and then finishing the rest after the 5 minutes are up. This is to be done daily. We are reciting the times tables (the 2's, 3's, 4's, etc.) in class aloud. Please add this to the daily routine at home as well. Students can earn candy for being able to recite the multiplication tables from memory to me in class.

Lesson 19 practices spelling words with vowel pairs ee, ea, oa, oe and ue, and with vowel digraph ea.  In vowel pairs, two vowels come together to make one long vowel sound.  The second vowel is silent.  In vowel digraphs, two vowels come together to make a vowel sound that can be long or short.  Practice going through the spelling words and noticing this pattern with your student (e.g., ea in eastern and reason - long e sound, a is silent vs. ea digraph in measure and meadow).


Lesson 10 continues study of the slight variation of the Second Declension Noun chart, used for nouns with neuter gender (a grammatical gender, not applicable to living creatures). We have three noun charts now - one for words that end in "a," one for words that end in "us," and one for words that end in "um." In Latin, the endings of nouns indicate how many of it there are (singular or plural nouns) and what job it's doing in a sentence (subject, direct object, etc.). We are practicing subject and verb agreement - if a subject is plural, the verb must be plural, for example. Continue to model looking for and pointing out Latin roots in English words, Latin derivatives (words that come from Latin) with your student. It is fun to discover you can "figure out" hard English words because of Latin vocabulary.

auxilium -i - help/aid
caelum -i - sky/heaven
debitum -i - debt/sin
forum -i - forum/marketplace
gaudium -i - joy/gladness
peccatum -i - mistake/sin
praemium -i - reward
tergum -i - back
vallum -i - wall/rampart
vinum -i - wine

Derivatives: auxiliary, celestial, debit, debt, forum, gaudy, impeccable, peccadillo, premium, vine, vinegar, vineyard

Second Declension Neuter Noun Chart:
donum    dona
doni        donorum
dono       donis
donum    dona
dono       donis

Christianity continued to spread since the time of Jesus and the Apostles.  In fact, many of the first settlers to the New World (America) were Christians.  What happened between the time of Jesus and when folks came over to settle America, so between approximately 100 A.D. and 1600 A.D.?  Look up a history of Christianity.  Specifically, it would be interesting to look at the Protestant Reformation in approximately 1550 A.D., because the early settlers came from these groups.  
What denomination were these early settlers?  What is a denomination?  What is your church's denomination?  What does your church believe - does it have a statement of faith listed on the website perhaps?  Can you track the early history of the spread of Christianity in America until now?  Does your church "descend" (come from) one of the early church denominations?  Do any of those denominations still exist?  What did those early denomination/Christians believe?  Did their denominations change any from then until now?  In my older kid history class, we did a project studying everyone's churches like this and discovered an interesting trend.  Let's see how this class compares!  See if you can find a timeline of Christian denominations in America.  Is it confusing?  What is going on here?  Here's an example:

In case you are curious, Voice of the Martyrs ( a lot of resources, some for adults, but a lot for children as well, including the following book series and graphic novels of the early church:

Memory Work:
Continue memorizing the Latin hymn/prayer, "Agnus Dei" (Lamb of God), which is taken from the exclamation of John the Baptist in John 1:29.  

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

English translation:
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

Here is a recording of Agnus Dei:

Here are some links to recordings of "Pie Jesu," a longer prayer/hymn that contains these phrases:
(that last one the singer was performing on America's Got Talent!)

Here's another version. Why does the video part that goes along with the singing look like a war or something bad happened? What does this have to do with the words of the song?

What to bring to school:
-Little Pilgrim's Progress
-Prince Caspian
-Exploring Arithmetic 3
-Spelling Workout D
-Latina Christiana
-The World of Mammals
-The Golden Children's Bible
-Copybooks (we have four currently)

Thank you for your patience and faithfulness!

Mrs. Chien