Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break :-)
We're currently reading stories from the Children's Bible and discussing. I want students to learn to be comfortable asking questions about the Bible and thinking about the ideas and talking about them. Sometimes we may not know the answers to their questions, but we can model what to do in that situation (look it up, ask someone we trust, be patient with not knowing all the answers but look forward to asking God in person one day!). Use maps to find where the events are taking place.
Have your student complete the math facts sheet of 100 problems (in the old binder or using the ones I sent), seeing how many they can complete in 5 minutes and then finishing the rest after the 5 minutes are up. This is to be done daily.
Lesson 9 works on spelling words with consonant digraphs. Consonant digraphs are two consonants together that make a completely new sound. They can be anywhere in a word. Note: The consonant digraph "th" has two different sounds (e.g. thunder and bother). Have your student read the words aloud and show them the consonant digraph in each word.
We have been discussing the difference between 1st, 2nd and 3rd person in grammar (the person speaking, the person spoken to, the person spoken about), as well as Singular and Plural, all in relation to verbs (this is English grammar too - just grammar rules). We also memorized the first noun chart and this week we will delve into the cases and job functions nouns can hold in a sentence. Continue to be on the lookout for derivatives from our Latin vocabulary in reading or in life and point them out. You will make it a regular habit that your student will emulate to notice Latin roots in English words in order to guess what they mean. In case you are wondering, yes, please have your student include the "ae" in the vocabulary copybook assignments - it is part of the form, which we will discuss in class.
culpa culpae - fault
Derivatives: culpable, culprit, fugue, fugitive, refugee, Hispanic, lunacy, lunar, lunatic, Pennsylvania, sylvan, Transylvania, inundate, undulating, judicial, occupation, occupy, pugnacious
Memory Work:
Adeste Fideles, Laeti triumphantes
Venite, Venite in Bethlehem
Natum videte Regem Angelorum
Venite adoremus, venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus, Dominum.
Deum de Deo, Lumen de Lumine,
Gestant puellae viscera.
Deum verum, genitum non factum.
Venite adoremus, venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus, Dominum.
What to bring to school:
-Soft Rain - A Story of the Cherokee Trail of Tears
-The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
-Exploring Arithmetic 3
-Spelling Workout D
-Latina Christiana
-Merriam-Webster's Dictionary for Children (unless left at school)
-The World of Mammals
-The Golden Children's Bible
-Copybooks (we have four currently)
Workload and Feedback:
If the workload or a particular activity proves too much/too confusing at home, please modify as suits your situation (and let me know so I can keep that in mind!). Please stay in communication with me about any questions you may have, as well as feedback, positive or negative, about how things are going.
Thank you again for your patience and courage and support!
Mrs. Chien