3rd Grade 5/1-5/3

DiscipleshipFaithful Disciple + Proverbs 3:1-23
MathWB Review 9 pg 148-152
End of School Assembly


Rock Ceromony


End of School Assembly


Rock Ceromony

SpellingPresent Projects
Field Day

HistoryPresent Projects
Field Day

SciencePresent Projects
Field Day

GeographyPresent Projects
Field Day

Memory WorkSong of the Settlers & Key Dates due

Important Dates
  • 5/1 - Projects due
  • 5/3 - End of School Assembly/Field Day
  • 5/6 - Graduation
Students should complete textbook practices on paper. Title the paper, put name on the top, and have students complete all problems. File in the math section of the campus binder. 

Keep reviewing division, lengths in yards, feet, inches, ounces, pounds, gallons, quarts, pints,cups and word problems.

Optional Math Buddies:  Review previous Math Buddies lessons.

Projects are due May 1st.  We will have a science fair after assembly.

Memory Work:  Please spend 15 minutes per day working on the following memory work.   
History Key Dates:  
Your student should now be reviewing to memorize 11 key dates:
1765 to 1783 The American Revolution gave us liberty,
1789 to 1799 The French Revolution led to monarchy decline.
June 18, 1815 The Fall of Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo.
(Karl) Marx & The (Communist) Manifesto, 1848 
(Charles) Darwin & The (Theory of) Evolution, 1859
1861 - 1865 The War Between the States caused a great divide   
1914 - 1918 World War I was a terrible scene
1929 The Great Depression time
1939-1945 World War II was an issue 
May 14, 1948 Is-ra-el became a State
July 20, 1969 Man walk on the Moon (fascinating time!)

Scripture:  We will be memorizing Proverbs 3:1-23 over the course of this year.  A copy of the passage was placed in your student's binder.  Additional copies may be found here. 
Poetry:  Our fourth quarter poem is "Song of the Settlers" to be recited on 5/1.   Additional copies here.