Third Grade Chien Week of 9/6-9/10

3rd week 59/6/20219/7/20219/8/20219/9/20219/10/2021Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipSchool Pictures 9/16
BibleWrite your encouraging word for your classmate.
No School - Labor Day
Read Matthew 26:36-56Discuss Matthew 26:36-56Read Matthew 26:57-27:2
MathCh 2 Lesson 8 TG - pg 68-70, TB pg 56-59, WB pg 55-59Ch 2 Lesson 9 TG - pg 71-73, TB pg 60-63, WB pg 60-61Ch 2 Lesson 10 TG pg 74-76, TB pg 64-67, WB pg 62-63Ch 2 Lesson 11 TG pg 77-79, TB pg 68-71, WB pg 64-67Extra Practice
TB pg 72
Complete Test B sent home on Wednesday
Vocab - saunter, ravishing, woefully
Oral retell. IEW pg 29 assignment 3. Review banned verbs pg 29. Proof read Rough Draft (RD). Review vocab words.Lesson 4B: Creating a Title. Start writing FD. Review vocab words.Finish FD. Making sure to underline and label all dress-ups, decorations, sentence openers, and vocab words. Review Vocab.
GrammarCh 3 L 2 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Skill Time. PB 2 L2. WB pg 62,63 Ch3 L2 P1-3.Ch 3 L3 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Skill TimeCh 3 L3 Review Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Skill Time PB pg 2 L3. WB pg 63,64 Ch3 L3 P14.
SpellingReview Step 2. Dictate sentences 4-6 on Step 2 paper in campus binderReview Step 2. Dictate sentences 7 - 9, writing station.Review Step 2. Dictate sentences 10-12. Administer Test on this weeks words and sentences.Step 3 Consonant Team DGE - Teach lesson and students write 10 words.
CursivePg 41-42Pg 43-44Pg 45-47
ReadingThe Queen Bess: The Story of Elizabeth I of England pg 27-34. Complete story map in reading journal.Magician's Nephew Ch 5The Cabin Faced West Ch 1-2
Ch6 - New Colonies in the New World
Journal entry: What would you do if your crew left you in the Hudson's Bay?Read SOTW pg 61-64 and narrate.Share journal entry & discussion. Mapping activity SP 11Read SOTW pg 65-69 and narrate.
GeographyContinents and Oceans - Due 9/9 ; Australia - Due 9/30
ScienceYou may color pg 31 & 32 at anytime during Ch 2.Read Don't Have a Calf, Toothed Whales, Echoes to Locate, Dolphins, Porpoises pg 26-30. Narrate what you read today. Write at least two interesting Facts in your NJ pg 34 and in your minibook on page 41.Ch 2 Journal Activity Try This pg 28, Try This pg 32. NJ pg 40.Read Killer Whales, Beluga Whales, Narwhals, Sperm Whales pg 31-34. Narrate what you read today. Write at least two interesting Facts in your NJ minibook on page 41.
Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem "Rise Up O Men of God" Due 9/30.
Key Dates Due 9/30


Important Dates:

9/7 - Labor Day - No School
9/9 - Spirit Day
9/14 - Moms in prayer 9:00am
            Co-Teacher Training – 2-3 pm
9/21 - Picture Day
            Falcon Moms Meet-up @ Taco Kitchen – 9-10 am
9/25 – Fortis Lap-a-thon 9:30am – 11:30pm (
9/30 - Spirit Day/Pizza Day/DOGS Day

Blog Abbreviations:

TGTeacher's Guide
IEWInstitute of Excellence in Writing
KWOKey Word Outline
RDRough Draft
FDFinal Draft
HWCursive Book
SOTWStory of the World
NJScience Notebooking Journal


This week we are going to work on mental math and word problems.   The bar models are very important.  In third grade we are leaning how to bar model with easier problems.  Some of the kids will be able to solve the problems without the bar model.  Please follow the bar modeling process because as the problems become more difficult they will need the bar model to solve the problem.

Remember to complete the addition math fact page everyday.

Review the definitions of the parts of speech.  This can be confusing when they are trying to match these on the test.

On Wednesday we will start writing the final draft in class.  Thursday please look over the final to make sure there are no mistakes to turn on next Monday.  

We introduce Lesson 4 vocabulary words this week.  Students will be quizzed periodically on vocab words. All quizzes will be cumulative. Be sure to review words at home.

Finish reading "The Queen Bess: The Story of Elizabeth I of England".  We will be completing a book review on this book.  The review will be sent home on 9/9.  The book review will be due on 9/14.

We will be learning 12 key dates during the year.  We will be leaning 3 dates a quarter.  At the end of the quarter there will be a quiz.  The quiz will be accumulative as the year progresses.  The dates are listed in the campus binder under the science and history tab.

Quarter 1 dates
Charles V 15194
William the silent and a Dutch revolution 1582
Jamestown Colony Founded 1607


Please spend time during your school day to work on quarter 1 poem, Rise Up O Men of God, geography map & song, Continent and Oceans, and key dates. Feel free to get creative and practice these in the car, at bedtime, or during meals.