Third Grade Ledesma 3/2 - 3/6

Important Dates
3/2 - Moms in prayer 9:00am
3/4 - New Parent Informational 10:00am
3/6 - End of 3rd quarter
3/9 - Moms in prayer 9:00am
3/11 - Spirit Day
3/16-3/20 - Spring Break
3/23 - Moms in prayer 9:00am
3/25 - Spirit Day/Dogs Day/Pizza Day
          New Parent Informational 10:00am
          Grammar play date 3:00pm
3/30 - Moms in prayer 9:00am

Be practicing multiplication/division facts.

Here is another website to help practice multiplication facts.

We are going to be learning a pattern 2 sentence over the next two weeks.

This week we are creating a story from pictures. We will still follow the same format of Monday-KWO Tuesday-RD, Wednesday-Start FD, Thursday finish FD

All final drafts have to be written in cursive.

We will are starting "Little Pilgrims Progress" this week.  The project for this book is going to be to keep a journal of things that you would feel or think or what you would do if you were on the pilgrimage with Christian.

We will be leaning 3 new dates this quarter.  The quiz will be accumulative as the year progresses.  The dates are listed in the campus binder under the science and history tab.

Quarter 3 dates (Test this Wednesday 3/4)
Charles V 1519
William the silent and a Dutch revolution 1582
Jamestown Colony Founded 1607
Japan's Isolation 1633
Louis XIV the Sun King 1661
Sir Isaac Newton 1666
Seven Years War 1756
American Revolution and George Washington 1775
French Revolution 1789

Please spend time during your school day to work on our school wide scripture, quarter 3 poem, geography map & song, and key dates. Feel free to get creative and practice these in the car, at bedtime, or during meals.

3rd week 253/2/20203/3/20203/4/20203/5/20203/6/2020Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipEnthusiasm vs ApathyEnd of 3rd quarter
Psalm 27
Discuss Colossians 4Read John 11:45-55Discuss John 11:45-55Read Matthew 20:17-19, John 12:1-9Write your encouraging word for your classmate. Journal Entry: Read Colossians 4:5-6. What does it mean by "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders"?
MathReview 3Review 4 pg 79-82, omit #4.Math TestHIG pg 66-67. TB 64-66 #1-3. WB Ex 26-27 pg 83-86.Review HIG pg 66-67. TB pg 64-66. WB Ex 28 pg 87-88.
SpellingReview Step 22. Dictate sentences 4-6.Review Step 22, card box, More Words. Dictate sentences 7 - 9, writing station pg 116.Review Step 22. Dictate sentences 10-12. Administer Test on this weeks words and sentences.Step 23 - New Teaching. Dictate Word Sort.Dictate sentences 1-3
GrammarCh13L2 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Activity Time.Ch13L2 Jingle Time, Grammar Time. PB pg 12 Ch13L2.Ch13L3 Jingle Time, Gramar Time, Skill Time.Ch13L3 Jingle Time, Gramar Time, Skill Time. PB pg12 Ch13L3.
Vocab Quiz. Vocab - haughty, vigorously, marvel
IEW Lesson 16 The Fishing Trip pg 113. Review. Assignment 1-2. Intro vocab words.Use KWO and checklist to write a RD from the picture Proofread RD. Review vocab. Start final draft. Vocab quiz.Finish final draft. Oral retell. 
ReadingThe Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe Ch 10Reading ExplorationReading DiscussionLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 1-5. Add journal entry.Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 6-10. Add journal entry.
Ch31 - A Different Kind of Rebellion
SP 116Read SOTW pg 289-292SP 117Read SOTW pg 292-295After reading chapter 31 do you still believe the industrial revolution was good or bad?
GeographyFormer USSR - Due 3/4
ScienceTry This pg 215 notebook pg 182Read pg 211-214 narrate, write at least interesting facts in notebook pg 170Create circutsRead pg 215-217 narrate, write at least interesting facts in notebook pg 170SB Notebooking activity pg 218, NJ pg 172.
Memory WorkQuarter 3 Poem Due 3/4