Third Grade Ledesma 2/17 - 2/21

Important Dates:
2/17 - Moms in prayer 9:00am
2/19 - New Parent Informational
2/21 - Moms night out 
2/24 - Moms in prayer 9:00am
           Grammar play date 
2/26 - Spirit Day/Pizza Day

Singapore spends a lot of time working on adding and subtracting unit of measure.  After talking with the fourth and fifth grade teachers we will be cutting most if the adding and subtracting part out.  This is not used in fourth and fifth grade.  Because of this we cut some of this out and use the time to add days in to review multiplication and division.  In the exercise to come you will see that not all the exercises will be completed.  You are welcome to practice and complete these on your own.  If you have any questions, please come talk with me.

Be practicing multiplication/division facts.

Here is another website to help practice multiplication facts.

This week we will be starting a unit on punctuation.  This unit will be a little different than the book.  We are not going to require the students to memorize the rule numbers according to Shurley.  Worksheets will be sent home to practice adding in capital letter, commas and periods.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

This week we are writing an opening paragraph to introduce the main ideas of the paper. Then we will add each of the papers we have been working on to the introductory paragraph. Please keep each paper to add into the final paper.

All final drafts have to be written in cursive.

 We have started "Soft Rain, Cherokee Trail of Tears" this week.  The project for this book is a book report worksheet that was sent home on Wednesday. 

We will be leaning 3 new dates this quarter.  The quiz will be accumulative as the year progresses.  The dates are listed in the campus binder under the science and history tab.

Quarter 3 dates
Charles V 1519
William the silent and a Dutch revolution 1582
Jamestown Colony Founded 1607
Japan's Isolation 1633
Louis XIV the Sun King 1661
Sir Isaac Newton 1666
Seven Years War 1756
American Revolution and George Washington 1775
French Revolution 1789

Please spend time during your school day to work on our school wide scripture, quarter 3 poem, geography map & song, and key dates. Feel free to get creative and practice these in the car, at bedtime, or during meals.

3rd week 232/17/20202/18/20202/19/20202/20/20202/21/2020Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipTolerance vs Prejudice
Discuss Philippians 4Read Colossians 1Discuss Colossians 1Read Colossians 2Write your encouraging word for your classmate. Journal Entry: How can you have contentment in all things like Paul?
MathMath TestFact Practice Mult. HIG pg 53-55. TB pg 45-49 Tasks 6-13. WB Ex 19-21 pg 57-59, 61. Fact Practice Mult. HIG pg 57. TB Pg 51 Practice 4A 1-3 out of textbook and then complete the packet.HIG pg 58-60. TB pg 53-55. WB Ex 23 pg 67 only.Fact Practice Mult. Appendix b10If you have the material for Ex 17-18 you are welcome to experiment with the different capacity.
SpellingReview Step 20, card box, More Words. Dictate sentences 4-6Review Step 20, card box, More Words. Dictate sentences 7-9Review Step 20. Dictate sentences 10-12. Administer Test on this weeks words and sentences.Step 21 - New Teaching. Dictate 10 words.Dictate sentences 1-3
GrammarCh11L2 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Skill Time, Activity Time.Ch11L3 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Skill Time, Practice Time. PB pg 10 Ch11L3. Worksheet sent home.Ch12L1 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Practice Time.Ch12L2 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Skill time, Practice time. PB pg 10 CH11L3. Worksheet sent home.
Vocab - adept, sturdy, perplex
IEW lesson 14 Amazing Animal homes pg 103-104. Teach pg 103-104. Write an introduction sentence and then copy the final draft of the beaver paper. IEW Continue Final Draft. Add swiflet paragraph to final draft of the animal homes. Review vocab. IEW Finish Final Draft. Add honeybee paragraph to the animal home final draft. Make sure to finish your paragraph with a final clincher. Bottom of pg 104. Review vocab. Check to make sure that all parts from the checklist are in FD.
ReadingThe Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe Ch 6Reading ExplorationReading DiscussionSoft Rain Ch 7-9Soft Rain Ch 10-12
Ch27 - A Changing World
SP 101-102Read SOTW pg 259-262SP 103-104Read SOTW pg 262-264
GeographyFormer USSR - Due 3/4
ScienceTry This pg 197 notebook pg 166Read pg 192-197 narrate, write at least interesting facts in notebook pg 158Try This pg 199 notebook pg 166, Thermal Energy Pop-up book NJ pg 163, A45-A51Read pg 197-199 narrate, write at least interesting facts in notebook pg 158SB Notebooking activity pg 199, NJ pg 158-159.
Memory WorkQuarter 3 Poem Due 3/4