Ledesma Third Grade 10/21 - 10/25

Please check Alma for grades

I will be sending out a sign up genius for fall conference soon.

Important Dates:
10/21 - Picture retakes
            Moms in prayer 9:00am
10/23 - Crazy hair day 
10/26 - Fortis Trunk or Treat 4:00-7:00pm
10/28 - Teacher Training - No school
10/30 - Historical dress up day Third grads is 1550-1850 anyone in our history book or a person from this time                period.
            Pizza Day/Spirit day

Practicing multiplication facts. 

We are learning subject verb agreement the next two weeks. Students are often confused that a plural verb doesn't end in an s. Plenty of practice will help with this. 

We are reviewing the parts of a story for the next two weeks. We will go through the process little faster this time.We will be writing all three parts during the next two weeks. Please help your child keep track of which paper they need to bring to school for IEW that day. Over the last four weeks many students wrote several extra pages because they did not have the one they needed at school. I'll do my best to help send reminders as well.

Monday - KWO
Tuesday - PG 56-57. Who/Which clause
Wednesday - Start writing rough draft
Thursday - Finish rough draft. Parents proofread
Tuesday - Start Final Draft
Thursday - Finish Final Draft

We will begin reading "The Cabin Faced West" this week.  The project for this book is a book report posters. Have your child first sketch their posters on a sheet of notebook paper.  Then, provide them with a large piece of poster paper or chart paper.  Posters must identify main characters, setting, title, problem, and solution along with a drawing of a part of the story. 

We will be leaning 3 new dates this quarter.  The quiz will be accumulative as the year progresses.  The dates are listed in the campus binder under the science and history tab.

Quarter 2 dates (due 12/9) 
Charles V 1519
William the silent and a Dutch revolution 1582
Jamestown Colony Founded 1607
Japan's Isolation 1633
Louis XIV the Sun King 1661
Sir Isaac Newton 1666

Please spend time during your school day to work on our school wide scripture, quarter 2 poem, geography map & song, and key dates. Feel free to get creative and practice these in the car, at bedtime, or during meals.

3rd week 1110/21/201910/22/201910/23/201910/24/201910/25/2019Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipInitiative vs Idleness
Psalm 27
Discuss Acts 20Read Acts 21Discuss Acts 21Read Acts 22Journal entry: If you were brought before the high council for telling others about Jesus, what would your response be?On-level track: Parent can write journal entry after discussion.

Advanced Track: Students write journal entry.
MathMath Facts. HIG pgs. 63(top only), TB pg 74 #5-6, WB Ex. 31*Math facts subtraction. Review mult & div facts using games on HIG pg. 62. HIG pg 63 #4(bottom only), TB pg. 74 #7-8, WB Ex. 32*, MM 19Math facts subtraction. Review mult & div facts using games on HIG pg. 62. HIG pg 63 #4(bottom only), TB pg. 74 #7-8, WB Ex. 33*, MM 19Subtraction Fact Practice. HIG pgs. 64-65, TB pgs. 76-79 #1-5, WB EX 34*, MM20Math Review Day. Review Multiplication and division worksheet.*On-level track: complete last 4 problems of each exercise to mastery. Word problems: complete odds last one has to be to mastery.

Advanced track: complete whole exercise.
SpellingReview current step. Dictate sentences 4-6.Review Step 10. Dictate sentences 7-9Review step. Dictate sentences 10-12. Administer Test on this weeks words and sentences.Step 11 New Teach. Ways to Spell / e /. Dictate 10 words.Dictate sentences 1-4
GrammarCh6 L2 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Activity/ Assignment TimeCh6 L2 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Practice Time. PB pg 5 Ch 6 L2. WB pg 68 CH6 L2 P1.Ch6 L3 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Activity/ Assignment Time.Ch6 L3 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Practice Time. PB pg 5 Ch6L3. WB pg 68 Ch6 L3 P1.
Vocab - unique, burden, noble
IEW lesson 7. Review sequence chart. The Little Dutch Boy pg 54 - 55.Intro vocab wordsComplete pg 56-57. Check over KWO and retell from KWO. Review vocab. Review who/which clause. Start rough draft. Review vocab.Finish rough draft. Parents proofread. Review Vocab
CursivePg 97-98Pg 99-101Pg 102-103Pg 104-106
ReadingMagician's Nephew Ch 10Reading ExplorationReading DiscussionThe Cabin Faced West Ch 1-2

Advanced Track project below under reading.
The Cabin Faced West Ch 3-4On-level track: Student narrate what was read. Parents ask the question and sign off.

Advanced track: Students narrate and complete reading project.
Ch13 - The Sun King & Ch 14 - The Rise of Perssia
SP 40-42Read SOTW pg 129-133SP 43-45Read SOTW 135-138Name at least two similarities between some of the great kings that we have read about over the past few weeks. Or What do you think was the most important thing Frederrick did to create Perssia and why?On-level track: Parent can write journal entry after discussion.

Advanced Track: Students write journal entry.
GeographyOceania - Due 12/9
ScienceTry This pg 99, notebook pg 99. Vocabulary puzzle NJ pg 88-93Read pg 97-99 narrate, write at least one interesting fact in notebook pg 83Try This pg 100, notebook pg 99. NJ pg 97, A23Read pg 100-102 narrate, write at least one interesting fact in notebook pg 83Scripture Copy Work pg 96 in NJOn-level track: narrate reading.

Advanced track: narrate material and write an interesting fact.
Memory WorkQuarter 2 Poem and Key Dates Due 12/9