04/05: Moms in Prayer (9-10 am)
04/14: Spirit Day!
04/15: GOOD FRIDAY! (No school for students or staff)
04/18: NO SCHOOL (Teacher Training)
04/19: NO SCHOOL (Teacher Training)
04/22-04/24: Fortis Family Spring Camping Trip (Parent-Organized)
04/26: Moms in Prayer (9-10am)
04/28: Spirit Day/D.O.G.S/Pizza Lunch
We're currently reading stories from the Children's Bible and discussing. I want students to learn to be comfortable asking questions about the Bible and thinking about the ideas and talking about them. Sometimes we may not know the answers to their questions, but we can model what to do in that situation (look it up, ask someone we trust, be patient with not knowing all the answers but look forward to asking God in person one day!). Use maps to find where the events are taking place.
Math skills are not progressing as they should be. This causes difficulty and mistakes in multiplication and especially division. Students are still using their fingers to count or are counting in their heads. Addition and Subtraction math facts should be memorized by now, and Multiplication tables up to the 7's should be memorized and memorizing the 8's to have begun. Have your student complete the math facts sheet of 100 problems (in the old binder or using the ones I sent), seeing how many they can complete in 5 minutes and then finishing the rest after the 5 minutes are up. This is to be done daily. We are reciting the times tables (the 2's, 3's, 4's, etc.) in class aloud. Please add this to the daily routine at home as well. Students can earn candy for being able to recite the multiplication tables from memory to me in class.
Lesson 17 words are still using base words and adding endings, but focuses on adding comparative endings er and est, where the base word ends in y. Have students practice identifying the base word and what happens to it when the ending is added. Spelling Test Tuesday over Lesson 16 words. We'll begin Lesson 17 on Thursday.
Lesson 9 introduces a slight variation of the Second Declension Noun chart, used for nouns with neuter gender (a grammatical gender, not applicable to living creatures). We have three noun charts now - one for words that end in "a," one for words that end in "us," and one for words that end in "um." In Latin, the endings of nouns indicate how many of it there are (singular or plural nouns) and what job it's doing in a sentence (subject, direct object, etc.). We are practicing subject and verb agreement - if a subject is plural, the verb must be plural, for example. Continue to model looking for and pointing out Latin roots in English words, Latin derivatives (words that come from Latin) with your student. It is fun to discover you can "figure out" hard English words because of Latin vocabulary.
Begin memorizing the Latin hymn/prayer, "Agnus Dei" (Lamb of God), which is taken from the exclamation of John the Baptist in John 1:29:
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
English translation:
What to bring to school:
-Prince Caspian
-Exploring Arithmetic 3
-Spelling Workout D
-Latina Christiana
-The World of Mammals
-The Golden Children's Bible
-Copybooks (we have four currently)
Thank you for your patience and faithfulness!
Mrs. Chien