Third Grade Chien Week of 2/28-3/4


3rd week 252/28/20223/1/20223/2/20223/3/20223/4/2022
BibleRead The Birth of Jesus & The Presentation in the Temple (pp. 351-353)Read The Visit of the Wise Men to The Flight into Egypt (pp. 354-357)Read Jesus Among the Teachers to The Baptism of Jesus by John (pp. 358-361)Read The Temptation in the Wilderness to Jesus in Galilee (pp. 362-365)Read The Marriage in Cana (pp. 366-367)
MathLesson 89; Worksheet #65; Math Facts DrillLesson 90; Speed Drill 90; Worksheet #66Lesson 96; Worksheet #72; Math Facts DrillLesson 97; Speed Drill 96; Worksheet #73Lesson 99; Worksheet #75; Math Facts Drill
WritingWrite difficult vocabulary words & meaning in vocab copybookWrite KWO of Ch. 32 from Little Pilgrim's ProgressWrite paragraph version of KWO done in class yesterdayRead paragraphs outloud, edit mistakes, re-write Final DraftDiscuss "dress ups" (adjectives and adverbs) you could add to your paragraph to make it more exciting
Latin/GrammarLesson 6 Latin words 2x in copybookPractice counting to 10; Lesson 6 TESTLesson 7 Latin words 2x in copybookWork on new noun chart; Do p. 25; Lesson 7 Latin words 2x in copybookLesson 7 Latin words 2x in copybook
SpellingWrite Les. 14 spelling words 2x in copybookLesson 14, pp. 57-58 and spelling words 2x in copybookWrite Les. 14 spelling words 2x in copybookLesson 14, pp. 59-60 and spelling words 2x in copybookWrite Les. 14 spelling words 2x in copybook
CursiveWrite Les. 14 spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybookThe Doxology in cursiveWrite Les. 14 spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybookWrite Les. 14 spelling words 1x in cursive in Spelling copybook
ReadingRead aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 31-32, pp. 99-104; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)The Horse and His Boy Ch. 8Read aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 33-34, pp. 105-110; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)The Horse and His Boy Ch. 9Read aloud: Little Pilgrim's Progress, Ch. 35-36, pp. 111-117; Independent reading for approx. 30 min. (bring a book to school to read during breaks)
History/ Geography
Review Continents/Oceans, discuss various countries in each continent (list at least three & find on globe/map), play find the place games
How many feet wide is your house? How many miles is it from Texas to the Gulf of Mexico, to the Pacific Ocean, to the Atlantic Ocean?Find the Latitude line that runs through Austin/Texas and follow it around the globe. What are some other countries/cities on the same Latitude line? Do the same with England.What time is it in New York compared to Austin? In Los Angeles compared to Austin? In England compared to Austin?
ScienceStudy Dogs, Foxes & Hyenas (Canines/Carnivores) using pp. 36-37 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!World of Mammals pp. 36-37; review animal type names and meanings, define canineStudy Dogs, Foxes & Hyenas (Canines/Carnivores) using pp. 36-37 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!World of Mammals pp. 36-37; review animal type names and meanings, define canineStudy Dogs, Foxes & Hyenas (Canines/Carnivores) using pp. 36-37 of the World of Mammals book as background; I suggest Wild Kratts!
Memory WorkContinue memorizing the Doxology prayer

03/01: Texas Independence Day!
03/01: Moms in Prayer (9-10 am)
03/04: End of 3rd Quarter
03/10: Spirit Day!
03/14-03/18: SPRING BREAK! (No school for students or staff)
03/22: Moms in Prayer (9-10 am)
03/27: Falcon Moms Meet-Up @ 4:00 pm (Main Street Social)
03/31: Spirit Day/D.O.G.S/Pizza Lunch

We're currently reading stories from the Children's Bible and discussing. I want students to learn to be comfortable asking questions about the Bible and thinking about the ideas and talking about them. Sometimes we may not know the answers to their questions, but we can model what to do in that situation (look it up, ask someone we trust, be patient with not knowing all the answers but look forward to asking God in person one day!). Use maps to find where the events are taking place.

Math skills are not progressing as they should be. This causes difficulty and mistakes in multiplication and especially division.  Students are still using their fingers to count or are counting in their heads. Addition and Subtraction math facts should be memorized by now, and Multiplication tables up to the 5's should be memorized. 
Have your student complete the math facts sheet of 100 problems (in the old binder or using the ones I sent), seeing how many they can complete in 5 minutes and then finishing the rest after the 5 minutes are up. This is to be done daily. We are reciting the times tables (the 2's, 3's, 4's, etc.) in class aloud.  Please add this to the daily routine at home as well.  Students can earn candy for being able to recite the multiplication tables from memory.

This week's lesson (14) practices spelling words in which the base word drops its final e to add ed, er or ing.  Have students practice finding the "base word" in each spelling word and note the loss of the e.


The test (Tuesday) over Lesson 6 words will be different - students will need to write out the Latin number words, spelled correctly.  We start Lesson 7 on Wednesday.  Lesson 7 introduces a new noun chart to begin memorizing.  One of the vocabulary words is an adverb, not a noun or verb.  See if students can figure out which word isn't a noun or verb.

Lesson 6:
unus - one
duo - two
tres - three
quattuor - four
quinque - five
sex - six
septem - seven
octo - eight
novem - nine
decem - ten
centum - one hundren
mille - one thousand

Lesson 7:
Christus -i - Christ
deus -i - god
discipulus -i - student
gratia - ae - grace
hora - ae - hour
Jesus - Jesus
legatus -i - lieutenant/envoy
servus -i - slave/servant
villa -ae - farmhouse
semper - always

Derivatives:  deity, disciple, discipline, gracious, gratitude, horoscope, hourglass, delegate, legate, servant, service, servile, villa

Second Declension Noun Chart:
servus    servi
servi       servorum
servo      servis
servum  servos
servo      servis

Memory Work:
Continue memorizing the Doxology:

Gloria Patri, et Filio, 
et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio,
et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum.

Glory to the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
it is now and ever shall be, 
world without end.

What to bring to school:
-Little Pilgrim's Progress
-Horse and His Boy
-Exploring Arithmetic 3
-Spelling Workout D
-Latina Christiana
-The World of Mammals
-The Golden Children's Bible
-Copybooks (we have four currently)

Thank you for your patience and faithfulness!

Mrs. Chien