Third Grade Chien Week of 9/27-10/1

3rd week 89/27/20219/28/20219/29/20219/30/202110/1/2021Co-Teacher Notes
BibleRead The Three Angels (pp. 40-41)Read A Wife for Isaac (pp. 42-47)Read Esau & Jacob (pp. 48-52)Read Jacob's Flight & Dream and Jacob & Rachel (pp. 54-59)Read Jacob & Rachel Depart until Jacob & Esau are Reunited (pp. 59-63)End of 1st quarter
MathLesson 6Lesson 7; Speed Drill 6Lesson 8Lesson 9; Speed Drill 8Lesson 10
WritingWrite a silly sentence/story using as many spelling words as possible.KWO on story about a Platypus or EchidnaDiscuss KWO, have student tell story orallyWrite rough draft of storyRefine rough draft, fix mistakes
Latin/GrammarLatin words 2x in copybookDiagramming Sentence Pattern #1; Latin words 2x in copybookLatin words 2x in copybookDiagramming Sentence Pattern #1; Latin words 2x in copybookLatin words 2x in copybook
SpellingSpelling words 2x in copybookComplete pages 7-8, Spelling words 2x in copybook; discuss silly sentences the students wrote yesterdayGive a Practice Test over spelling words; write missed words 2x; write a silly sentence/story using as many spelling words as possible (and illustrate, if desired)Spelling words 2x in copybook; Spelling TestRe-write missed words 2x and write a silly sentence/story using the missed words
CursiveWrite Spelling words in cursive 1x in Spelling copybookWrite Spelling words in cursive 1x in Spelling copybookWrite missed Spelling words in cursive 1x in Spelling copybook
ReadingRead library book or book from home; bring book to school to read during breaksMagician's Nephew Ch 8Read library book or book from home; bring book to school to read during breaksMagician's Nephew Ch 9Read library book or book from home
GeographyReview Continents/Oceans, discuss locations of places, play find the place games
ScienceLook up pictures of Monotremes (platypus, short and long nosed echidnas) together and discussRead World of Mammals, pp. 5-7Read World of Mammals, pp. 5-7
Memory WorkBegin learning "Adeste Fideles" (O Come All Ye Faithful)

Important Dates:
9/30 – Spirit Day/Watch D.O.G.S./Pizza Lunch
10/01 – End of the First Quarter

We're currently reading stories from the Children's Bible and discussing.  When you read them at home, you can read it to your student or have them read portions aloud if they want.  You can ask them questions about the reading if you like (e.g., "Who was the main character?" "What did God want them to do?"  "Why?"). Essentially whatever you think would be interesting to talk about - I want students to learn to be comfortable asking questions about the Bible and thinking about the ideas and talking about them.  Sometimes we may not know the answers to their questions, but we can model what to do in that situation (look it up, ask someone we trust, be patient with not knowing all the answers but look forward to asking God in person one day!).  Use maps to find where the events are taking place. In school, we will also be practicing memorizing the books of the Bible, so you can go through them at home as well as time permits.  I hope to also continue sword drills (where they try to find a verse in the Bible quickly), but we will take a break this week until I figure out how to not have your students carrying TWO Bibles to and from school :-/

In Math, the main focus will be on learning to copy work onto sheets of paper neatly.  This is very important as it will help them learn how to be organized in their thinking, as well as work on correcting sloppy habits and mistakes in work.  Putting in the hard work now will pay off later.  The primary math goal for now is mastery of addition and subtraction facts.  If you have flashcards, spend a few minutes drilling addition and subtractions facts daily.  Students are working to know, without having to pause to think, what the sum and difference are for numbers 1-20.

Spelling words this week practice spelling words with single and double consonants. The rule of thumb to use is that double consonants usually follow short-vowel sounds. (Note: Number words do their own thing. English is weird.) Review what letters in the alphabet are vowels, what long and short vowel sounds are and practice saying the spelling words aloud to hear the individual letter sounds. Practice noticing if a vowel is short or long and guessing if the consonant is single or double.  When writing spelling words 2x in copybook, emphasize neatness.


Latin is new.  Let students be proud to "teach" you Latin.  They will be learning vocabulary and some rules of grammar.  After the vocabulary words here, I have listed the derivatives the book gives, as well as some extras for discussion.  Start seeing if you can notice derivatives from our Latin vocabulary in reading or in life and point them out.  You will make it a regular habit that your student will emulate to notice Latin roots in English words.  They might even start to be able to guess what the English word could mean by looking at the Latin root.  When writing Latin vocabulary (and English definitions) 2x in copybook, emphasize neatness.

amo - I love, like
laboro - I work
laudo - I praise
oro - I beg, pray
voco - I call

Derivatives: amateur, amorous, laboratory, laud, laudable, orator, oratory, vocal, vocation 

Memory Work:

Adeste Fideles (sung to the tune of O Come All Ye Faithful) - YouTube has many available recordings of this, a classic Christmas song sung in Latin.  There is no hurry on this, just hoping to have it memorized in time for the Christmas season!

Adeste Fideles, Laeti triumphantes
Venite, Venite in Bethlehem
Natum videte Regem Angelorum
Venite adoremus, Venite adoremus,
Venite adoremus, Dominum.

What to bring to school:
-Exploring Arithmetic 3
-Spelling Workout D
-Latina Christiana
-Merriam-Webster's Dictionary for Children
-The World of Mammals
-The Golden Children's Bible
-Copybooks (we have four currently, although not all students may have them due to absences)

Workload and Feedback:
I have added more goals this week.  I do still intend on adding back History, but I'm going in stages and modifying based on how things go.  If it turns out to be too much, I will modify and update you.  If something proves too much at home, please modify as suits your situation (and let me know so I can keep that in mind!).  Please stay in communication with me about any questions you may have.  If you don't understand a math lesson, email me.  If you don't know if you're "doing it right", whatever "it" may be, email me.  If you think we're not doing enough, email me.  If you think this is too weird, email me.  If you think this is great and things are going well, email me.  I appreciate and respect your feedback, and what you tell me about how things are going at home will give me valuable input as we head forward.

Thank you again for your patience and courage and support!

Mrs. Chien

Third Grade Chien Week of 9/20-9/24

3rd week 79/20/20219/21/20219/22/20219/23/20219/24/2021
Bible*See notes belowRead Cain & Abel, Noah & the Ark & The Great Flood
(pp. 24-29)
Read The Ark Comes to Rest & The Rainbow
(pp. 30-31)
Read The Tower of Babel, God's Promise to Abram & Abram & Lot (pp. 32-37)Read Abram's Vision & Abraham is Named (pp. 38-39)
MathSelections from Lessons 1 & 2, Speed Drill 2Lesson 3Lesson 4, Speed Drill 4Lesson 5
Latin (Grammar & Vocabulary)Lesson 1, pp. 10-11 & write vocabulary 2x in copybookHave student tell you the vocabulary words & explain what they can from what they've learned; write vocabulary 2x in copybookLesson 1, pp. 10-11 & write vocabulary 2x in copybookHave student explain what derivatives are and see if you guys can think of any other derivatives from the vocabulary words; write vocabulary 2x in copybook
SpellingLesson 1, pp. 5-6 and spelling words 3x in copybookWrite spelling words 3x in copybookLesson 1, pp. 7-8 and spelling words 3x in copybookWrite spelling words 3x in copybook
ReadingFinish reading The Cabin Faced West (Ch. 7-8)Magician's Nephew Ch 7 & practice using dictionaryRead library booksMagician's Nephew Ch 8 & look up words in dictionary
Read library books
GeographyReview Continents and Oceans song and use maps or a globe to find places
ScienceRead What is the Animal Kingdom? pp. 6-7, 26-27 and discuss MammalsRead What is a Mammal? pp. 4-11

Important Dates:
9/21 – Picture Day!
9/21 – Falcon Moms Meet-up @ Taco Kitchen – 9-10 am
9/25 – Fortis Lap-a-thon 9:30am – 11:30pm (
9/30 – Spirit Day/Watch D.O.G.S./Pizza Lunch
10/01 – End of the First Quarter

Monday (9/20):
Your homework today is to go to the local library, get a card if you don't have one and become good friends with the Children's Librarian.  Talk to the Librarian about how to figure out suitable books for your student's reading level and let your student pick out as many books as they want (5-10 is a good start).  I want students to pick books that are easy for them to read and are interesting to them.  The subject is not important.  If your student likes Captain Underpants or My Little Pony, let them read a billion of these books.  If your student likes factual books on animals or weather or space, let them pick out books like this, but at or near their reading level.  Sometimes factual books are harder, but if they are motivated to read a book, they will figure it out.  I want students reading all the time.  You can have them sit and read silently, or read aloud to you or have them tell you about the book after they read it, whatever works for you and them.  Read the library books today and throughout the week.  If there's free time or you feel they don't have enough to do, have them read a book.  I want them in the habit of reaching for the book they're reading when they finish a task.  They can bring the book they're reading to school.

We're currently reading stories from the Children's Bible and discussing.  When you read them at home, you can read it to your student or have them read portions aloud if they want.  You can ask them questions about the reading if you like (e.g., "Who was the main character?" "What did God want them to do?"  "Why?"). Essentially whatever you think would be interesting to talk about - I want students to learn to be comfortable asking questions about the Bible and thinking about the ideas and talking about them.  Sometimes we may not know the answers to their questions, but we can model what to do in that situation (look it up, ask someone we trust, be patient with not knowing all the answers but look forward to asking God in person one day!).  In school, we will also be practicing memorizing the books of the Bible, so you can go through them at home as well as time permits.  I hope to also continue sword drills (where they try to find a verse in the Bible quickly), but we will take a break this week until I figure out how to not have your students carrying TWO Bibles to and from school :-/

In Math, the main focus will be on learning to copy work onto sheets of paper neatly.  This is very important as it will help them learn how to be organized in their thinking, as well as work on correcting sloppy habits and mistakes in work.  Putting in the hard work now will pay off later.  The second page of each of your lessons (Les. 3 & 5) practices adding coins.  You can use coins you have around, pretend play coins or pictures from the internet, but I suggest you skip it if it is proving frustrating.  The first page of the lesson is sufficient for now, and I will be practicing adding coins in class.  Additionally, the primary math goal for now is mastery of addition and subtraction facts.  If you have flashcards, spend a few minutes drilling addition and subtractions facts daily.  Students are working to know, without having to pause to think, what the sum and difference are for numbers 1-20.

Spelling words this week practice spelling words with single and double consonants. The rule of thumb to use is that double consonants usually follow short-vowel sounds. (Note: Number words do their own thing. English is weird.) Review what letters in the alphabet are vowels, what long and short vowel sounds are and practice saying the spelling words aloud to hear the individual letter sounds. Practice noticing if a vowel is short or long and guessing if the consonant is single or double.  When writing spelling words 3x in copybook, emphasize neatness.


Latin is new.  Let students be proud to "teach" you Latin.  They will be learning vocabulary and some rules of grammar.  After the vocabulary words here, I have listed the derivatives the book gives, as well as some extras for discussion.  Start seeing if you can notice derivatives from our Latin vocabulary in reading or in life and point them out.  You will make it a regular habit that your student will emulate to notice Latin roots in English words.  They might even start to be able to guess what the English word could mean by looking at the Latin root.  When writing Latin vocabulary (and English definitions) 2x in copybook, emphasize neatness.

amo - I love, like
laboro - I work
laudo - I praise
oro - I beg, pray
voco - I call

Derivatives: amateur, amorous, laboratory, laud, laudable, orator, oratory, vocal, vocation 

What to bring to school:
-Exploring Arithmetic 3
-Spelling Workout D
-Latina Christiana
-Merriam-Webster's Dictionary for Children
-The World of Mammals (we're not starting this book till next week, so it can stay home this week)
-The Golden Children's Bible (this is big, so if carrying it around becomes a burden, we might have you keep them at home and just listen to me read aloud at school - we'll play it by ear)
-Copybooks (we'll start with three of them this week, one for Spelling, one for Latin and one for Reading and maybe add one for Science, we'll see)
-A folder with wide ruled lined paper for class use (primarily for Math)

Empty Sections and Giving Feedback:
You will notice some missing  subjects.  It will take us a few weeks to transition into the new way of doing things.  I don't want to rush, and I want to see how things are going and then add from there.  Please stay in communication with me about any questions you may have.  If you don't understand a math lesson, email me.  If you don't know if you're "doing it right", whatever "it" may be, email me.  If you think we're not doing enough, email me.  If you think this is too weird, email me.  If you think this is great and things are going well, email me.  I appreciate and respect your feedback, and what you tell me about how things are going at home will give me valuable input as we head forward.

Thank you again for your patience and courage and support!

Mrs. Chien

Third Grade Chien Week of 9/13-9/17

3rd week 69/13/20219/14/20219/15/20219/16/20219/17/2021Co-Teacher Notes
BibleWrite your encouraging word for your classmate.Discuss Matthew 26:57-27:2Read Matthew 27:11-23Discuss Matthew 27:11-23Read Matthew 27:24-51
MathCh 2 Lesson 12 TG pg 80, WB pg 68-72Ch 2 Test ACh 3 Lessons 1 TG pg 100-102, TB pg 74-77, WB pg 73-75
Make Test correction to turn in on Wednesday.
Ch 3 Lessons 2 TG pg 103-105, TB pg 78-82, WB pg 76-78Ch 3 Lessons 3 TG pg 106-108, TB pg 83-87, WB pg 79-82
Vocab - industrious, admonish, prudent
IEW pg 35-39.The Ants and The Grasshoppers. Sentence Openers and banned adj. Start KWO.Finish KWO. Oral Retell. Complete pg 40. Review Vocab.Introduce Alliteration pg 41. IEW use pg 39 & 40 to start writing rough draft. Review all banned words.Complete RD. Parents proofread rough draft.
GrammarGrammar ReviewCh 3 L 4 Test Time WB pg 98 Exercise 1,3,4,5,6,7 use to review for test tomorrow.Chapter 3 TestCh 4 L1 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Skill Time. PB pg 3 Ch4 L1. WB pg 64-65 Ch4L1P1-5. Activity/ Assignment Time
SpellingDictate sentences 1-3 on step 3 paper in campus binderReview step 3 - More Words and Homophone Pairs. Dictate sentences 4-6.Review Step 3 - Writing Staion. Dictate sentences 7 - 9Review Step 3. Dictate sentences 10-12. Administer Test on this weeks words and sentences.Step 4 New Teaching- Ways to Spell / j /. Students write and sort 10 words on pg. 33.
CursivePg 48-49Pg 50-52Pg 53-55Pg 56-57
ReadingThe Cabin Faced West Ch 3-4Magician's Nephew Ch 6Reading ExplorationReading Discussion. Create the book report flap.The Cabin Faced West Ch 5-6
Ch7 - The Spread of Slavery
Journal Entry: What are some of the differences in the Plymouth Plantation and the Jamestown colony? Which colony would you rather live in?Share history journal entry. Mapping activity pg 17, SP 18. Make Traditional Wampanoag Cornbread. Complete pg 19Read SOTW pg 71-74 and narrate..Read SOTW pg 74-78 and narrate.
GeographyAustralia - Due 9/30
ScienceRead Baleen Whales, Blue Whales, Humpback Whales, Gray Whales, Right Whales pg 35-38. Narrate what you read today. Write at least two interesting Facts in your NJ pg 34 and in your minibook on page 41.Ch 2 Journal Activity Sound Travel Experiment pg 39-40 NJ pg 44.Ocean Box pg 39
Memory WorkQuarter 1 Poem "Rise Up O Men of God" Due 9/30.
Key Dates Due 9/30

Important Dates:

9/14 - Moms in prayer 9:00am
9/14 – Co-Teacher Training – 2-3 pm
9/21 – Picture Day!
9/21 – Falcon Moms Meet-up @ Taco Kitchen – 9-10 am
9/25 – Fortis Lap-a-thon 9:30am – 11:30pm (
9/30 – Spirit Day/Watch D.O.G.S./Pizza Lunch
10/01 – End of the First Quarter

Blog Abbreviations:

TGTeacher's Guide
IEWInstitute of Excellence in Writing
KWOKey Word Outline
RDRough Draft
FDFinal Draft
HWCursive Book
SOTWStory of the World
NJScience Notebooking Journal


This week we are going to work on mental math and word problems.   The bar models are very important.  In third grade we are leaning how to bar model with easier problems.  Some of the kids will be able to solve the problem without the bar model.  Please follow the bar modeling process because as the problems become more difficult they will need the bar model to solve the problem.

Remember to complete the addition math fact page everyday.

Review the definitions of the parts of speech.  This can be confusing when they are trying to match these on the test.

On Thursday we will start writing the final draft in class.  Friday please look over the final to make sure there are no mistakes to turn on next Tuesday.  

We introduce lesson 4 vocabulary words this week.  Students will be quizzed periodically on vocab words. All quizzes will be cumulative. Be sure to review words at home.

Finish reading "The Cabin Faced West".  We will be completing a book review on this book.  The review will be sent home on 9/9.  The book review will be due on 9/14.

We will be learning 12 key dates during the year.  We will be leaning 3 dates a quarter.  At the end of the quarter there will be a quiz.  The quiz will be accumulative as the year progresses.  The dates are listed in the campus binder under the science and history tab.

Quarter 1 dates
Charles V 15194
William the silent and a Dutch revolution 1582
Jamestown Colony Founded 1607


Please spend time during your school day to work on quarter 1 poem, Rise Up O Men of God, geography map & song,Continent and Oceans, and key dates. Feel free to get creative and practice these in the car, at bedtime, or during meals.