Third Grade Ledesma 5/4-5/8

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Reminder: All highlighted sections of the blog are optional. Assignments in red are ones that need to be turned in.
Class WebEx Times:
9:50am - math lesson
1:05pm - read, discussion 

Important Info:
CPT test is cancelled
Last Day of School will still be May 13th

Be practicing multiplication/division facts.

Here is another website to help practice multiplication facts.

3rd week 335/4/20205/5/20205/6/20205/7/20205/8/2020
DiscipleshipHumility vs Arrogance

Psalm 27
Read and Discuss 2 Timothy 1Read and Discuss 2 Timothy 2
MathHIG pg 107-108. TB pg 105-106. WB Ex 51-52 pg 142-145.HIG pg 110. TB pg 107. Practice 9A
Due 5/11
HIG 111. TB pg 108-109 Review F.HIG 112. TB pg 110-112 Review G
Due 5/11
WB Review 8 pg 146-147. 
GrammarCh16L3 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Oral Contraction Review, Practice Time. PB pg 15 Ch16L3. WB pg 80-81 Ch16L3P1-3.Ch16L4 Test Time pg 112 Ex 1,2,4,5,6.
ReadingThe Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe Ch 16Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 85-89Reading DiscussionLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 90-93Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 90-93

Ch42 - The World of Forty-Nine
Read SOTW pg 381-384Read SOTW pg 384-385
GeographyBritish Isles - Due 5/11
Memory WorkQuarter 4 Poem Due 5/11