Ledesma Third Grade 4/20 - 4/24

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Reminder: All highlighted sections of the blog are optional. Assignments in red are ones that need to be turned in.
Class WebEx Times:
9:50am - math lesson
1:05pm - read, discussion 

Important Info:
CPT test is cancelled
Last Day of School will still be May 13th

Be practicing multiplication/division facts.

Here is another website to help practice multiplication facts.  mathusee.com

We are continuing writing about important things to us. The second lesson is My Favorite Person. Use the questions to assist them in writing their KWO. The KWO still needs to be only 3 words with pictures.

3rd week 314/20/20204/21/20204/22/20204/23/20204/24/2020Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipHumility vs Arrogance

Psalm 27
Read and Discuss 1 Timothy 3Read and Discuss 1 Timothy 4
MathHIG pg 93. TB pg 87-88 Tasks 1-2. WB Ex 41-42 pg 119-123.HIG pg 94. TB pg 88 Tasks 3-4. WB Ex 43-44 pg 124-127.HIG pg 96. TB pg 89 Practice 7B. Due 4/27HIG pg 97. TB pg 90-91. Review EWB Review 7 pg 128-129.
SpellingReview current step. Dictate sentences 4-6.Review current step. Dictate sentences 7-9, writing station pg 131.Review step. Dictate sentences 10-12. Administer Test on this weeks words and sentences.Step 27. The / ik / Words. Students copy 10 words.Dictate sentences 1-3Sentence for the spelling test: He was unable to provide more facts about the case.
GrammarCh15L4 Test Time. WB pg 111 Ex 1,2,4,5,6.Ch16L1 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Skill Time, Practice Time. PB pg 15 Ch16L1. WB pg 79 Ch16L1P1-2.

Review Vocab
Lesson 22 A Special Person. Pg 145-148. KWO. Write RD. Proofread. Review vocab.Start FD. Review Vocab.Finish FD. Due 4/27 Review Vocab.
ReadingThe Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe Ch 13Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 55-59.Reading DiscussionLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 60-64Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 65-69

Ch38 - American Tragedies
Read SOTW pg 351-354Read SOTW pg 354-358
GeographyBritish Isles - Due 5/11
Memory WorkQuarter 4 Poem Due 5/11