Third Grade Ledesma 3/30 - 4/3

Catherine Ledesma's  Personal Room

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Class WebEx Times:
9:45am - math lesson
1:00pm - read, discussion 

Important Info:
CPT test is cancelled
Last Day of School will still be May 13th

Be practicing multiplication/division facts.

Here is another website to help practice multiplication facts.

We are working on types of sentence for the next two weeks.  
S-complete simple sentence
SS-two simple sentences
SCS-compound subject
SCV- compound predicate

We will be writing three KWO on Monday. We are going to write a KWO for two different source texted and then we are going to learn how to combine those two KWO into one KWO. From the combined KWO we will write the RD and FD. Since this is a combined paper.

We are continuing "Little Pilgrims Progress" this week.  The project for this book is going to be to keep a journal of things that you would feel or think or what you would do if you were on the pilgrimage with Christian.

We will be leaning 3 new dates this quarter.  The quiz will be accumulative as the year progresses.  The dates are listed in the campus binder under the science and history tab.

Quarter 4 dates
Charles V 1519
William the silent and a Dutch revolution 1582
Jamestown Colony Founded 1607
Japan's Isolation 1633
Louis XIV the Sun King 1661
Sir Isaac Newton 1666
Seven Years War 1756
American Revolution and George Washington 1775
French Revolution 1789
Napoleon Crowned Emperor of France 1804
Lewis & Clark Expedition 1806
The Mexican-American War 1846

Please spend time during your school day to work on our school wide scripture, quarter 4 poem, geography map & song, and key dates. Feel free to get creative and practice these in the car, at bedtime, or during meals.

3rd week 283/30/20203/31/20204/1/20204/2/20204/3/2020Co-Teacher Notes
Psalm 27
Read and Discuss Mark 14:32-43Read and Discuss Mark 14:55-61
Read and Discuss Mark 15: 9-20Journal Entry: Suddenly, Jesus was all alone. How would you feel if you were Jesus now?
MathWebex 9:45 AM
Fact sheet. HIG pg 74-75. TB pg 73 Tasks 4-5. WB Ex 33 pg 97-98.
Fact sheet. HIG pg 76. TB pg 73-74 Tasks 6-7. WB Ex 34 pg 99-100.Webex 9:45 AM

HIG pg 77-80. TB pg 74 Tasks 8-12. WB Ex 35 pg 101.
Fact Sheet. Review HIG pg 77-80. TB pg 74 Tasks 8-12. Finish WB Ex 35 pg 101. Work on finding the commom denominators.HIG pg 81. TB pg 75 Practice 6B.
SpellingStep 24. / wor / Spelled WAR. Students copy 10 words.Dictate sentences 1-3
Ch14L2 Review Lesson 2, Practice Time.  PB pg 13 Ch14L2. WB pg 75 Ch14L2P1-2

Ch14L3 Review Lesson 3, Practice Time.   PB pg14 Ch13L3. WB pg 76 Ch14L3P1-3.

Vocab - persistent, fluently, ban
IEW lesson 18 Louis Braille pg 125. Review. Assignment 1-3. Intro vocab words.IEW pg 125 assignment 4. Proofread RD. Review vocab. Start final draft. Review vocabFinish final draft. Oral retell
ReadingWebex 1:00 PM
The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe Ch 10
Reading ExplorationWebex 1:00 PM
Reading Discussion
Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 21-25. Add journal entry.Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 25-30. Add journal entry.
Ch33 - The End of Napoleon
SP 121-123Read SOTW pg 309-313SP 124Read SOTW pg 313-317
GeographyBritish Isles - Due 5/11
ScienceOptional: complete any Try This on pg 227-229.Read pg 227-229 narrate, write at least interesting facts in notebook pg 187Optional: complete any Try This on pg 229-234. Vocabulary seek and find NJ pg 194Read pg 229-234 narrate, write at least interesting facts in notebook pg 187
Memory WorkQuarter 4 Poem/Key Dates Due 5/11