Third Grade Ledesma 11/18 - 11/22

Please check Alma for grades

Important Dates:
11/16 Dodgeball tournament 6:00pm
11/18 Moms in prayer 9:00am
          Grammar play date 3:00pm
11/20 Spirit Day/Pizza Day
          Thanksgiving program 1:30pm
11/25-11/29 Thanksgiving break - no school

Practice multiplication facts.
Here is another website to help practice multiplication facts.

We will be learning the seven subject pronouns, seven possessive pronouns, and the seven object pronouns the next two weeks.  Please be working on the jingles for the different types of pronouns.  They will have to be able to list all the different types on the test.

This week we are continuing Pecos Bill, a tall tale. This will be a three week paper. This week we are working on section three, climax and resolution. We will be adding a new section to this paper each week.

We are reading "A Cricket in Time Square" this week.  The project for this book is a diorama.  Your student will construct a diorama of one of the main events of this book. They will make a 3-dimensional scene, including models of characters, the setting, and objects. A shoebox makes a great place to build a diorama.  Then they will write a description of the scene.  Project is due Feb 12, 2020.  

Memorize the three dates for this quarter. The quiz will be accumulative as the year progresses. The dates are listed in the campus binder under the science and history tab.

Quarter 2 dates due 12/9
Charles V 1519
William the silent and a Dutch revolution 1582
Jamestown Colony Founded 1607
Japan's Isolation 1633
Louis XIV the Sun King 1661
Sir Isaac Newton 1666

Please spend time during your school day to work on our school wide scripture, quarter 2 poem, geography map & song, and key dates. Feel free to get creative and practice these in the car, at bedtime, or during meals.

Thanksgiving program 
Please allow time for your child to rehearse their lines. 

3rd week 1511/18/201911/19/201911/20/201911/21/201911/22/2019Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipGratefulness vs. Unthankfulness
Psalm 27
Discuss Acts 28Thanking God all day long. Read Nehemiah 12:27-29,31,38-43.Discuss Thanking God all day long.Write your encouraging word for your classmate.
MathFact Practice. HIG pg. 72, TB pg 88 #7, WB EX 445-4, MM23. Subtraction Fact Practice. TB pg 89 Practice 4F odds & TB pg 90 Practice 4G evens.Fact Practice. HIG pgs. 73-74, TB pgs. 91-92, WB EX 46, MM 24Subtraction Fact Practice. TB pg. 93 Practice 5A, MM 24Subtraction Fact Practice. HIG pgs. 75-76, TB pgs. 94-96 #5, WB EX 47, MM25
SpellingReview current step. Dictate sentences 4-6.Review current step. Dictate sentences 7 - 9, writing station pg 82.Review step. Dictate sentences 10-12. Administer Test on this weeks words and sentences.Step 15. The Sound of / u /. Students copy 10 words.Dictate sentences 1-3
GrammarCh8 L2 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Skill Time.Ch8 L2 Jingle Time, Grammar Time, Skill Time. PB pg 7 Ch8L2. WB pg 70 Ch8L2P1Ch8 L3 Jingle Time, Grammar Time.Ch8 L3 Jingle Time, Grammar Time. PB pg 7 Ch8L3. WB pg 71 Ch8L3P1.
Review vocab
IEW lesson 8C. Pecos Bill KWO pg 61, pg 68 & 69. Review vocab.IEW RD for Sect 3 - climax & resolution. Proofread RD. Review vocab. Review Pg 69. Start FD add to section one and two. Review vocabFinish FD. Oral retell. 
ReadingMagician's Nephew Ch 15Reading ExplorationThanksgiving ProgramThe Cricket in Times Square Ch 5
Ch19 - The English in India
SP 59-60Read SOTW pg 181-184Thanksgiving ProgramRead SOTW pg 184-188
GeographyOceania - Due 12/4
ScienceTry This pg 128, notebook pg 125Read pg 126-129 narrate, write at least interesting facts in notebook pg 116Thanksgiving ProgramRead pg 129-133 narrate, write at least interesting facts in notebook pg 116
Memory WorkQuarter 2 Poem & Key Dates Due 12/4