3rd Grade 4/30-5/4

3rd4/30/20185/1/20185/2/20185/3/20185/4/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipCourage + Matthew 5: 1-16
BibleActs 8:26-40, Ps 150 1 Jn 4:1-11, Jn 15:1-8Is. 30:18-21, Eph. 2:19-22John 14:1-14
MathCreate your own house & Cheez-it activity.

Review 8 & 9
Pg 146-152
Practice math facts for final assessments tomorrow.
Area dice game. Details in notes below.
Final math fact assessments.
HIG pg 110. TB pg 107. Practice 9A.
HIG 111. TB pg 108-109 Review F.HIG 112. TB pg 110-112 Review GField Trip Monday 5/7. Please arrive no later than 8:45 so we can leave @9am. Don't forget sack lunch & water bottle.
SpellingPrep for final assembly on 5/9Review words for tomorrow's Spelling BeeSpelling Bee with Mrs. Torres' class

GrammarPrep for final assembly on 5/9Project

WritingThank you assignmentProjectThank you assignment

ReadingLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 85-87 + discussionLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 88-90 + oral re-tellLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 91-93 + discussion

HistoryHistory Card #125 Report: RachelHistory Card #126 Darwin Publishes The Origin Of Species & Journal entry (what a way to end history!)History Card 126 DiscussionFinished with History!
ScienceDiscuss science project presentations with students. Find out what project they chose.ProjectScience projects due.
start @ 9:20am in sanctuary

Memory WorkQuarter 4 Poem Due 5/2

We only have 2 weeks left of school! It’s been a fantastic year! We rejoice and thank the Lord for all the learning that has taken place this year.

Here’s what’s happening at Fortis:

4/30-5/4 – Art Showcase on display
5/2 - NEST Meeting @9am
5/2 – Field trip money and permission slips due
5/2 – Science experiments and presentations due
5/4 – Final box top collection
5/7 – Field trip 9am-3pm
5/9 – Last day of school! Morning assembly @9am/ Pizza & field day

End of year assembly will take place on 5/9 @ 9am. Our class has prepared something special for this. Hope you can make it! Family members are welcome. More details will be sent out by administration soon. After the assembly, Odena and I will have our traditional rock ceremony with the students (aka crying fest ;)). Field day begins at noon. Parents are welcome to hang out with us for field day--or you can enjoy your last moments of calm before summer officially kicks off. Ha!


This will be our last week of math. Our students have persevered and worked so diligently this year. They should be proud of their hard work!

Area dice game for Tuesday:

2 players.

Materials needed: graph paper provided, 2 different colored pencils, and 2 dice.

Players will take turns rolling the dice, using the numbers rolled to draw the perimeter of a rectangle or square, and write the area in the center of the shape.

Game ends when players run out of room to draw. Winner is the player who has the largest total area.


Science projects due 5/2. Presentations begin at 9:20 am. Refreshments and recess for all after presentations. Please see email (sent 3/27) for additional information.

Have a blessed week!