3rd Grade 3/19-3/23

3rd3/19/20183/20/20183/21/20183/22/20183/23/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipPerseverance + Matthew 5: 1-14
BibleJer 31:31-34Ps 119:9-16Heb 5:1-10Mk 10:(32-34) 35-45
MathHIG pg 66-67. TB 64-66 #1-3. WB Ex 26-28 pg 83-88. HIG pg 68-69. TB pg 67-68 #4-10. WB Ex 29-30 pg 89-92. Math facts assessment.
HIG pg 70. TB pg 69 Practice 6A.
HIG pg 71-73. TB pg 70-72 #1-3. WB Ex 31-32 pg 93-96Review any incorrect answers from math assessment handed back Monday. Math fact practice.
SpellingStep 24. / wor / Spelled WAR. Students copy 10 words.Dictate sentences 1-3File sentences under "Spelling" tab in campus binder each day.
GrammarCh 20 L2 Practice # 1-2 pg 89 in student book.Ch 20 L2 Grammar Time sentences in PB.Ch 20 L3 Grammar Time, Practice Time #1-3 pg 89-90.Ch 20 L3 Practice Time #4-5 pg 89-90. Review L 1-3 for test on Monday.
WritingIEW lesson 19 Thomas Edison.  Assignment make KWO for both section and fuse together. Intro vocab words.Use fused KWO to write RD. Proofread RD. Review vocab and "Grammar Help; Quoting People" on pg 131.Start final draft. Review vocab.Finish final draft. Oral retellVocab words: prolific, phonograph, resourceful.
ReadingLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 1-3 + Writing prompt.Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 4-6. Oral re-tell.Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 7-9 + discussion.Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 10-12. Oral re-tell.Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 13-15. Oral re-tell.Bring book to school each day.
HistoryHistory Card Report: Lucy
Documentary: Ellis Island.
History Card #119
Romantic Period of the Arts.
History Card #119
Discuss characteristics of the Romantic period & view works of art from this time period.
History Card #119 Journal entry: Write 3-5 sentences about something you found interesting this week. Journal Report for #119 on 03/26/18: LukeWe will read a story from Brothers Grimm on Monday and discuss how the Romantic Period influenced their writing.
GeographyFormer USSR - Due 3/21; British Isles - Due 4/25Handout British Isles 3/21
ScienceDo Scientific Demonstration: Neutralize It. Pass out Neutralization handout. Define neutralization and salt.Read salt pg 89-90 in USE. Read handout Neutralization in appendix pg 190.   Complete Acids and Bases Week 3 quiz. Study quizzes 1-3 for assessment tomorrow.Assessment over Acids and Bases unit.
Memory WorkSong of the Settlers quarter 4 Poem Due 5/2.

Welcome back from spring break!  Don’t forget to send your child with a lunch and water bottle each school day. J

What’s happening at Fortis in March:

Christian worldview book club @ 7pm Monday evenings
3/21 Mom’s in prayer @9am
3/21 Parent informational @ 10am
3/28 Pizza day
3/28 Mom’s in prayer @ 9am
3/30 Good Friday (no school)

Blog Abbreviations-

HIG-Singapore Home Instructor Guide
TB- Textbook (Math and Shurley Grammar)
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM-Mental Math (Found in the back of the HIG)
IEW- Institute for Excellence in Writing
PB-Shurley English Practice Booklet
USE-Usborne Science Encyclopedia


We begin fractions this week and will stay here for the next couple of weeks. Fractions are so fun! We hope the students enjoy them as much as we do.

Please spend no more than 10 minutes on mental math and continue to work on math fact mastery at home.


Continue to watch for proper letter formation of cursive and print letters at home. Practice the specific letters your child is struggling with. We will be frequently taking a completion grade for the handwriting assignments. Please have your child bring their book to and from school each day from here on out.


We begin our lesson on Thomas Edison this week, which is part of a larger report we will be assembling on “Men Who Changed the World” in a couple of weeks.  Please proofread their rough draft with a red pen (if possible) for spelling, punctuation, dress-ups (underlined AND labeled), paragraph indentation, double spaced, make sure their title reflects 2-3 keywords from the final clincher, etc. They will be writing their final draft in cursive on Wednesday and Thursday. They should turn their paper in on Monday 3/26, stapled in this order: checklist, final draft, rough draft. Students can earn up to 3 points extra credit for using this lessons vocabulary words in their paper (prolific, phonograph, resourceful). Vocabulary words should be underlined and labeled “voc” in the right margin.  Students may use some creativity in their story, as long as the theme remains.


This week we begin Little Pilgrim’s progress, an allegory detailing the journey of Christian and Christiana from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. This book is rich with spiritual content, and we encourage you to read this book along with your child and discuss.  We look forward to our class discussions.


We are currently working on Matthew 5:1-9, Song of the Settlers quarter 4 poem, USSR map & song, and history timeline song. The science poem Acids and Bases is for reinforcement at home. We will not be assessing science poems for the remainder of the year, but you may use them at home to discuss the concepts being taught.
