3rd Grade 5/7-5/11

3rd5/7/20185/8/20185/9/20185/10/20185/11/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipFaithful Disciple + Matthew 5: 1-165/9 - Last day gramamr school, 5/11 - Last day logic and rhetoric school
BibleField trip today!
Ps 981 Jn 5:1-8

Last Day of School!

Morning Assembly & Field Day
Have a wonderful Summer! 5/9 - Grammar School Field Day, Logic and Rhetoric modified field day
     Math facts
End of 4th Quarter
SpellingField trip today!
Morning Assembly & Field                 Day
WritingField trip today!
Morning Assembly & Field Day
Read book of choice 30 minutes
History  Field trip today!
Morning Assembly & Field Day
ScienceField trip today!
Morning Assembly & Field Day

Bring on the tissue! It’s our last week and we want you to know how much we’ve enjoyed each day with our class. They have grown physically, emotionally, educationally, and spiritually. We love them dearly and celebrate their hard work this year!

Monday is our field trip. We’re going to have a blast together! We plan to leave at 9am sharp! Remember to bring a sack lunch and water bottle.

Wednesday is End of Year Assembly. We have prepared something special for you. Hope you can make it! Family members welcome. After assembly, Odena and I will take the students to our class for our rock ceremony and one last time together as a class. Parents are welcome to hang out at the school or go grab lunch during this time. Field day begins at noon and ends at 3pm.

Have a wonderful summer. Please keep in touch! 

3rd Grade 4/30-5/4

3rd4/30/20185/1/20185/2/20185/3/20185/4/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipCourage + Matthew 5: 1-16
BibleActs 8:26-40, Ps 150 1 Jn 4:1-11, Jn 15:1-8Is. 30:18-21, Eph. 2:19-22John 14:1-14
MathCreate your own house & Cheez-it activity.

Review 8 & 9
Pg 146-152
Practice math facts for final assessments tomorrow.
Area dice game. Details in notes below.
Final math fact assessments.
HIG pg 110. TB pg 107. Practice 9A.
HIG 111. TB pg 108-109 Review F.HIG 112. TB pg 110-112 Review GField Trip Monday 5/7. Please arrive no later than 8:45 so we can leave @9am. Don't forget sack lunch & water bottle.
SpellingPrep for final assembly on 5/9Review words for tomorrow's Spelling BeeSpelling Bee with Mrs. Torres' class

GrammarPrep for final assembly on 5/9Project

WritingThank you assignmentProjectThank you assignment

ReadingLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 85-87 + discussionLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 88-90 + oral re-tellLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 91-93 + discussion

HistoryHistory Card #125 Report: RachelHistory Card #126 Darwin Publishes The Origin Of Species & Journal entry (what a way to end history!)History Card 126 DiscussionFinished with History!
ScienceDiscuss science project presentations with students. Find out what project they chose.ProjectScience projects due.
start @ 9:20am in sanctuary

Memory WorkQuarter 4 Poem Due 5/2

We only have 2 weeks left of school! It’s been a fantastic year! We rejoice and thank the Lord for all the learning that has taken place this year.

Here’s what’s happening at Fortis:

4/30-5/4 – Art Showcase on display
5/2 - NEST Meeting @9am
5/2 – Field trip money and permission slips due
5/2 – Science experiments and presentations due
5/4 – Final box top collection
5/7 – Field trip 9am-3pm
5/9 – Last day of school! Morning assembly @9am/ Pizza & field day

End of year assembly will take place on 5/9 @ 9am. Our class has prepared something special for this. Hope you can make it! Family members are welcome. More details will be sent out by administration soon. After the assembly, Odena and I will have our traditional rock ceremony with the students (aka crying fest ;)). Field day begins at noon. Parents are welcome to hang out with us for field day--or you can enjoy your last moments of calm before summer officially kicks off. Ha!


This will be our last week of math. Our students have persevered and worked so diligently this year. They should be proud of their hard work!

Area dice game for Tuesday:

2 players.

Materials needed: graph paper provided, 2 different colored pencils, and 2 dice.

Players will take turns rolling the dice, using the numbers rolled to draw the perimeter of a rectangle or square, and write the area in the center of the shape.

Game ends when players run out of room to draw. Winner is the player who has the largest total area.


Science projects due 5/2. Presentations begin at 9:20 am. Refreshments and recess for all after presentations. Please see email (sent 3/27) for additional information.

Have a blessed week!

3rd Grade 4/23-4/27

3rd4/23/20184/24/20184/25/20184/26/20184/27/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipCourage+ Matthew 5: 1-16
BibleActs 4:1-12, Ps 23 1 Jn 3:16-24, Jn 10:11-18Is. 52:7-10, 2 Tim. 4:5-18Mark 16:14-20
MathHIG pg 98-100. TB pg 92-95. WB Ex 45-46 pg 130-133.
Math Facts Assessment
HIG pg 102. TB pg 96-97. WB 47 Ex 134-135.HIG pg 103-104. TB pg 98-99. WB Ex 48-49 pg 136-138. HIG pg 101 Enrichment 3.HIG pg 105-106. TB pg 101-104. WB Ex 50 pg 139-141.HIG p 109 Enrichment 4, pg 109HIG pg 107-108. TB pg 105-106. WB Ex 51-52 pg 142-145. 
SpellingReview  Step 27. Dictate sentences 4-6.Review Step 27. Dictate sentences
7 - 9. Prepare for test 4/25
Dictate sentences 10-12. Administer Test on this weeks words and sentences.Science Project
GrammarReviewScience ProjectReviewScience Project
WritingWork on Final Draft of A Special Person or Special DayWork on Final Draft of A Special Person or Special DayTurn in Final Drafts for A Special Person and A Special DayScience Project
ReadingLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 70-72 + DiscussionLittle Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 73-75.Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 76-78 + Discussion.Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 79-81.Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 82-84 
HistoryHistory Card Report #124: MicahHistory Card #125 British Queen Victoria's Rule Over IndiaHistory Card #125History Card #125 Journal entryJournal Report for #125 on 04/30/18: Rachel
GeographyBritish Isles - Due 4/25
ScienceFinal Assembly ProjectScience ProjectFinal Assembly ProjectScience ProjectScience Project
Memory WorkQuarter 4 Song of Settlers Poem Due 5/2

What’s happening at Fortis:

Christian worldview book club @ 7pm Monday evenings
Mom’s in prayer @ 9am Wednesday mornings
4/25 Pizza and Spirit day
4/30-5/4 Art Showcase
5/2 Monies and Permission slips due for Field Trip
5/4 Final Box Top Collection
5/7 Mad Science and Bullock Museum Field Trip 9 am to 3 pm

Blog Abbreviations-

HIG-Singapore Home Instructor Guide
TB- Textbook (Math and Shurley Grammar)
WB- Singapore Math Workbook
MM-Mental Math (Found in the back of the HIG)
IEW- Institute for Excellence in Writing
PB-Shurley English Practice Booklet
USE-Usborne Science Encyclopedia


We are starting Geometry, then moving to Area and Perimeter, which we went over prior to the CTP testing. Please check for understanding of concepts each day.

Please spend no more than 10 minutes on mental math and continue to work on math fact mastery at home. There will be a math facts assessment on 4/23/18.


Continue to watch for proper letter formation of cursive and print letters at home. Practice the specific letters your child is struggling with. We will be frequently taking a grade for handwriting assignments. 


Thank you co-teachers for pointed out that A Special Person and A Special Day were due at the same time. We will be allowing time to finish both reports this week. Students will be able to use their own ideas using all of the concepts that they have learned, including writing in neat cursive. Please have students bring a couple of their favorite IEW papers, to share.


We continue in Little Pilgrim’s progress, an allegory detailing the journey of Christian and Christiana from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. This book is rich with spiritual content, and we encourage you to read this book along with your child and discuss.  We look forward to our class discussions. Mrs. Emmons has shared information on a video that goes along with this book so we are hoping to incorporate it soon.


We are currently working on Matthew 5:1-9, Song of the Settlers quarter 4 poem, British Isles map and song. 


There will now be a heavy concentration on the science projects. We want each person to well prepared and present well to classmates, family and friends on May 2!

Field Trip Update

Mrs. Torres and her 3rd grade class have also been invited to the Mad Science and Bullock Museum day out! This will result in the cost coming down for each student. We think that the new cost will be $12.00 per student. Those that have already paid will receive a refund of the balance. 

Be sure to check Alma weekly. Be truly blessed!