3rd Grade 12/4 - 12/8

3rd12/4/201712/5/201712/6/201712/7/201712/8/2017Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipJoy (Faithfulness) + Matthew 5: 1-10
BibleIs 64:1-9Ps: 80:1-71 Cor 1:3-9Mk 11:1-10 or Mk 13:24-37

MathTB pgs. 102 Practice 5B.TB pgs.103 Practice 5C.TB pg. 104 Review B

End of 2nd Quarter


WritingStart FD for all three sec of Pecos Bill. Review vocabFinish FD. HW 83-86.IEW pg 75-78 assignment Christmas Poem.

Review vocab
ReadingClassical Reading with Teacher30 minute Independent Classical ReadingClassical Reading with Teacher 30 minute Independent Classical Reading30 minute Independent Classical Reading. Oral narration.
HistoryHistory Card Report: Lucy & Travis/ Memory SongHistory Card #105History Card / Memory SongHistory Card #105 Journal entryJournal Report for #105 on 01/08/18: Luke & Victoriya
GeographyOceania - Due 1/10
ScienceQuiz over Physical change. Access State of Matter Poem.Introduce Reaction Poem.Class Party.

Memory WorkQuarter 3 Poem Due 2/28. State of Matter Poem 12/4.

Important Dates:
12/4 - 12/8 Art Showcase
12/4 - Christian Worldview Book Club 9:00am & 7:00pm
12/8 - Spirit Day, Ugly Christmas sweater
12/8 - Moms in prayer 9:00am
12/8 - End of second quarter
12/8 - Parents night out 5:30pm - 10:00pm

Blog Abbreviations:
HIG – Singapore math Home Instructor Guide
TB – Singapore math textbook
WB – Singapore math workbook
MM – Mental math
HW – Handwriting copybook
IEW – Institute for Excellence in Writing
USE – The Usborne Science Encyclopedia
CPT – The Complete Periodic Table

We will be starting Primary Mathematics 3B after the Christmas Break.  Please send it with child in January.   
Mental math (MM) can be found toward the back of the Home Instructor Guide. You should spend no longer than 10 minutes on MM; students do not need to complete the entire exercise. 
Break from grammar
We will be writing a final paper combining the three rough drafts on Pecos Bill this week.   Please check them closely for spelling, dress-ups, complete sentences, paragraph indents, etc.  We will be using the checklist at the end of the lesson to grade the final draft.  Reminder: each vocabulary word from the current lesson that is used in the rough draft is worth 1 extra credit point each (3 points possible). Student may have the opportunity to read one of their stories for the lower grades (Damocles and the King, Little Dutch Boy, or Pecos Bill). You will be informed prior to the date so that they can bring their stories to school. 
Continue to practice proper formation of cursive letters at home. Writing on notebook paper, rather than handwriting paper is new for some students this year. Please help your student with this transition.
We will continue the reading your classical choice this week.  Please ask your child to orally narrate a summary of what they read and engage in a discussion with them. 

We will begin reading The Cabin Faced West by Jean Fritz after the Christmas break.
Review the quizzes for quiz on Wednesday.

Here is a link to the digital copy.
Please spend time during your school day to work on our school wide scripture, 'We Thank Thee' poem, geography map & song, history timeline song, and Periodic Table poem. Feel free to get creative and practice these in the car, at bedtime, or during meals.